Software Process Monitoring Using Statistical Process Control Integrated in Workflow Systems
This paper presents an approach that integrates statistical process control techniques with workflow systems in order to achieve software process monitoring. Our approach allows: (i) software process monitoring through the automated metrics collection; and (ii) the statistical process control of software process aided transparently by statistical tools. The use of workflow systems to this integration adds the benefits of statistical process control without the additional effort to integrate and use statistical tools. Our proposal allows project managers to identify problems early during the process execution, enabling quickly reactions (process improvements, training, etc.) to reduce costs and ensure software quality.
author = {Mar{\'{\i}}lia Aranha Freire and
Daniel Alencar da Costa and
Eduardo Aranha and
Uir{\'{a}} Kulesza},
title = {Software Process Monitoring Using Statistical Process Control Integrated
in Workflow Systems},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering
{\&} Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2012), Hotel Sofitel, Redwood
City, San Francisco Bay, {USA} July 1-3, 2012},
pages = {557--562},
year = {2012},